Marketing Collateral

Additional Ways to Tell Your Story

Marketing Collateral

Additional Ways to Tell Your Story

Business Cards

Have your business cards designed by the team who knows your story and branding. $350 gets your cards designed and set up in your printing software (Vistaprint, PSPrint, etc.). We also create a template so that we can quickly create new cards for new staff at no additional future charge (using same original design).

Flyers & Brochures

Both print and digital flyers and brochures are available. The service includes using the same you-centric content that draws the reader in and creates a warm connection with your practice. Pricing based on size and layout. Single page, tri-fold, and multipage (increments of 4 pages) are available. Cost: $500 – $2000 depending on your needs.

Trade Show Banners & Tablecloths

First, we help you select the product and size that you want then we design a high resolution product that matches your story and brand. We also help order it through the provider you select (we recommend Post Up Stands). Cost: $400 – $1200 depending on your specifications.


With an eBook you have the power to tell your story via a story. eBooks may be non-fiction or fictional, it’s your choice. A non-fiction version would be educational in nature, avoiding the look and feel of a brochure. Teaching about the area you live in or the types of services available in your area is one type of eBook we’ve seen. You could even partner with your professional connections providing a different service to elders to come together to create an eBooks that educates on services available. A fictional eBook tells a story about a client situation that connects with the reader and conveys what you do. In either case, it’s very important to avoid selling via an eBook. Cost: $1200 – $5000 depending on number of pages and type of eBook.

geriatric care management ebook

Marketing Letters & Folders

Are you struggling with what to say in a marketing letter or email marketing message? We know what to say. With the goal to help grow your business, we take special joy in assisting with creating a marketing letter that tells your story in a concise way, along with a marketing folder to show how you provide services. This is especially effective with professional connections such as attorneys and trust officers. If you use the JewelCode CareComplete software, we can help create sample reports to include in your marketing folder that show the professional output you provide on behalf of customers. We can even design the folder itself to be printed. Cost: $200 per letter, $400 to help with CareComplete software reports and content for folder inserts, $500 for folder design – all printing is at cost through your own printing account.